Letters, diaries and photographs from World War II

As usual

27 September 1944

My Darling Janie,

I have been writing all evening: Dad, your folks, Girlie, Russell. Oh yes and I listened to the first of the I.T.M.A shows in the Sergeants’ Mess and it was just grand, but in consequence of al this i’m starting to write to you at 10pm.

Note: It’s That Man Again (or, commonly, ITMA) was a BBC radio comedy programme which ran from 1939 to 1949. The title refers to a contemporary phrase concerning the ever more frequent news-stories about Hitler in the lead-up to the Second World War, and specifically a headline in the Daily Express written by Bert Gunn.This was humorously transferred to Tommy Handley, the popular comedian around whom the programme was developed. The scripts were written by the prolific Ted Kavanagh. ITMA is believed to have played a major role in sustaining morale on the UK’s “home front” during the Second World War. As King George VI said, “We always listen.”


Image above sourced from internet shows an ITMA recording in 1945: Conductor Charlie Shadwell (right) laughs at Tommy Handley and Dorothy Summers during the recording of an episode of ‘It’s That Man Again’. The BBC Variety Orchestra is visible behind them on the stage.


I now have alternate lighting laid on in this tent- 6 volt battery- because  I find going to bed at 9.30 is too early and I don’t sleep well.

So heee I am. Now you’ll see that I have written to Russell and I have suggested that he most definitely stick to his choice of the Navy-there is no comparison sweetheart for reasons I can’t explain here but look at it from your own point of view for a moment. When Russell comes home from time to time he’ll be able to bring you sills and scents and all sorts of things – china etc. that are always very expensive at home.

We have heard and are hearing a lot about our favourite topic “Repatriation” just now and as things stand at present I think you can expect me home in the late summer. Marvellous to be fixing dates at last isn’t it sweetheart? Oh yes, very cheering. This fact together with the dope on Pay and Demob has sent morale up 103% As regards pay, on the face of it, it would appear that I’m good for another three guineas a week, absurd isn’t it? and my expenses are about fifteen shillings a week. Then with say four years overseas, when I am demobbed I get two months on full pay plus 48 days- every little counts doesn’t it sweet? Then there are gratuities etc. We should have the nucleus of a fund for Anthony’s education. But there I am, counting chickens…!

Well, my darling, your Xmas parcel has gone and as usual you’ll have to get the tin opener ti it. By the way beyond telling me you received parcel Number Two (1944) you haven’t said if the materials were any good. While we are on the subject you should be getting Number Three (1944) which is just about the same as its predecessor. Oh, in the Xmas thing there are three things for Anthony and as it should arrive well before Xmas you may want to open it in private so that his things can go in his Xmas stocking. There are also a couple of snaps of me in the car and in the nude, almost!


24. John in staff car Egypt





I’m so glad that you have paid Dad off. So now we owe no one any money.

I’m sorry that that bally neuritis has come on again.

All my love my dearest girl to you and our grand wee son.

And goodnight sweetheart till our dreams come true.


Johnnie xxxx



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johnfinal.jpgJanie Askew

John's wife

johnfinal.jpgAnthony Askew
First son of John and Janie

johnfinal.jpgRussell Barker Janie's Brother
johnfinal.jpgGirlie Askew

John's younger sister

johnfinal.jpgMaurice Askew

John's younger Brother

johnfinal.jpgStephen Barker

Janie's Cousin

johnfinal.jpgEvelyn Barker

Stephen Barker's wife

davidfinal.jpgDavid Barker

Janie's cousin

freda.jpgFreda Cobley

Janie's cousin