Letters, diaries and photographs from World War II

Saturday 19th August 1944

The M.T. Workshop is about half erected. So massive does it look that it has been nicknamed “Odeon”. I negotiate for the digging of a large catchment drain around the camp. We learn that our chindits are returning to us. We now go to the swimming pool each day and it is fun.

The Chindits were a British India ‘Special Force’ that served in Burma and India in 1943 and 1944 during the Burma Campaign of World War II. They were formed to put into effect Orde Wingate’s newly developed guerrilla warfare tactic of long-range penetration. The Chindits were trained to operate deep behind Japanese lines. Their operations were marked by prolonged marches through extremely difficult terrain by underfed troops weakened by diseases such as malaria and dysentery. There is controversy over the extremely high casualty rate and the debatable military value of the achievements of the Chindits.



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johnfinal.jpgJanie Askew

John's wife

johnfinal.jpgAnthony Askew
First son of John and Janie

johnfinal.jpgRussell Barker Janie's Brother
johnfinal.jpgGirlie Askew

John's younger sister

johnfinal.jpgMaurice Askew

John's younger Brother

johnfinal.jpgStephen Barker

Janie's Cousin

johnfinal.jpgEvelyn Barker

Stephen Barker's wife

davidfinal.jpgDavid Barker

Janie's cousin

freda.jpgFreda Cobley

Janie's cousin