Letters, diaries and photographs from World War II

In war news at this time on 23rd December Allied aircraft began their attacks on the German offensive, the one factor that Hitler feared in his planning.On the 24th the American counter-attack at the “Bulge” began; the Belgian transport ship SS Leopoldville was  sunk off the coast of France with more than 800 lives, predominantly those of American servicemen, lost and Manchester was attacked by V1 flying bombs. On the 26th the siege of Bastogne was broken, and with it the Ardennes offensive proved a failure. On December 29th Soviet troops began the Siege of Budapest.

In this letter the shop Burtons was a general grocer in Park Street. Mr.Ducheaune was the dentist.

45 King George Road


29th December 1944

My own darling John,

Well, here we are four days after Christmas. Russell came down last Friday (all night) and had to stand all the way from Paddington to Taunton in a packed compartment. When he arrived here at 8.45 am yesterday he looked nearly at collapsing point. He went back on Wednesday but in returning either tomorrow ir Sunday for his week’s leave. He is now finishing his final exams. He is a dear brother coming all that way in the middle of his exams so that I should not be alone over Christmas. You know there are some very strange people around. One suggested to me recently that you might be jealous of my great love for Russell and also that you might resent him looking on our home as more his home than London. But you are not jealous are you darling and you don’t mind Russell liking it better here than elsewhere do you? I tried to explain that to them but all they would say was that you must be an exceptional husband. I quite agree with this remark but you aren’t jealous or anything are you? Then yesterday I happened to mention to an assistant in Burtons that I go dancing as often as I can when Russell is down as long as I can get someone to mind Anthony. Mr.Jones came over and said, “What? Do you go dancing with Mr.Askew away?” I assured him I did and he replied that he thought you would not allow me to do such a thing especially as you don’t dance (Oh yes, he knew that too!) I replied that you allow me to go with Russell anywhere. All he said was a grunt! 

This afternoon I received your letter dated 14th December. Christmas certainly seems to be doing things to the mail as I have received two letters from you in three weeks, sorry, three letters counting one just received. 

I am glad you are at last officially a captain and that extra money we must certainly set aside when you come home for when Anthony goes to Taunton School.


Taunton School, Taunton

We should open another account or something and put that money in it and also add to it when possible. This will ensure Anthony’s education. I am so proud of Anthony and I do so want to be able to afford to finance him in any career he chooses. But I have gone in to all this before with you. Don’t you be so silly about wanting to give me more comfort and better clothes. I am quite comfortable thank you and have far more of this world’s goods than I deserve. What more could any woman want than a beloved husband and grand little son and health and strength? 

I am sorry you have got a number of minor worries sweetheart. How I wish I could help to ease your cares. Still, when you come home I shall be able to at last, God willing.

Thank you for sending me the newspapers. I shall enjoy reading them as I aways read the ones you wrap my presents up in. 

I am sure you must look smart in your new outfit. I wish I could see you.

Well, I think I told you I went to the dentist about three weeks ago and that he gave me hell! Well, I had to go again yesterday. He literally had to dig the filling out of the same tooth. He prodded about and made me squirm lots then told me that if the tooth does not heal up more inside by 15th January he will have to remove it!! He asked if I had much pain with it and I assured him I did for three days. Well, so far it has not troubled me this time but I can’t chew on it and I await in fear and trembling for 15th January. It’s a great pity if it does have to come out as it is only a little decayed and perfectly white. Apparently the nerve is far too near the top for him to do much and this is the second tooth (if he DOES pull it out) that I shall have lost for the same reason. I shall have gas if I have to decide like I had last time. Mother will probably have to oblige and come down because I simply dare not leave Anthony with anyone and I would not be able to take him with me. He watched Mr.Decheaune very intently. Mr.Ducheaune is very fond of him, really because he is essentially a boy not half a one. 

Anthony has once again one of his periodic “nerve” periods. He can’t sleep until about ten, eleven or midnight and consequently he is inclined to stutter a bit again. If he is no better soon I shall take him to Dr.Bain. I don’t want to just now as there s a lot of chicken pox about and I don’t want to risk anything.

Anthony is getting very excited-he cried twice for you to come home last big in bed. I assured him you will be home soon.

All my love sweetheart. You will soon be coming home now.

Keep your chin up darling and don’t worry over your work so much.

Take great care of yourself,

Always your own adoring,

Janie xxxxxxx

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johnfinal.jpgJanie Askew

John's wife

johnfinal.jpgAnthony Askew
First son of John and Janie

johnfinal.jpgRussell Barker Janie's Brother
johnfinal.jpgGirlie Askew

John's younger sister

johnfinal.jpgMaurice Askew

John's younger Brother

johnfinal.jpgStephen Barker

Janie's Cousin

johnfinal.jpgEvelyn Barker

Stephen Barker's wife

davidfinal.jpgDavid Barker

Janie's cousin

freda.jpgFreda Cobley

Janie's cousin